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Report of UGC Centre for Indian Ocean Studies national symposium on ‘India – China Relations: Recent

C3S Paper No. 0002/2016

Courtesy: The Hindu

UGC Centre for Indian Ocean Studies conducted a national symposium on ‘India – China Relations: Recent Developments’ on December 28 and 29, 2015.

R. Sidda Goud, Director, UGC Centre for Indian Ocean Studies welcomed the participants from different parts of the country and explained the importance of the symposium to the audience in the inaugural session. Tirupathi Rao, Former Vice-Chancellor, Osmania University was the guest of honour and other dignitaries included Ravindranath, Dean, Development and UGC Affairs, Osmania University.

The symposium had five sessions. The First Session chaired by P.V. Rao had presentations by G.V.C Naidu from Centre for Indo-Pacific Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Commodore R. Sheshadri Vasan, Director of Chennai Centre for China Studies.

While G.V.C. Naidu spoke on the importance of Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar [BCIM] economic corridor and the advantages that could accrue to India’s North East and West Bengal. Commodore Vasan spoke on the implications of ‘OneBelt One Road’ on India’s Maritime Strategy. He opined that India has to take proactive policy measures in the region. Their presentations elicited discussion on the importance BCIM and the implications of Maritime Silk Road in Indian Ocean.

In the second session, water disputes between India and China was discussed where some opined that both the governments have been maintaining the status quo on water agreements. The topics stimulated the questions on constructions of dams, flooding, climate change, role of Iran, China – Pakistan Axis and others.

The third Session was chaired by Gautam Murthy, CIOS. Presenters Dr. Durga Bhavani, Member Board of Studies of Andhra Mahila Sabha spoke on geostrategic interest of China in Eurasia and how India would overcome the imperatives. Amrita Jash, Doctoral Research Scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru University presented her views on China’s 21st century maritime silk road and its strategy for security.

The fourth session was chaired by Yagama Reddy The fifth Session and concluding session was chaired by Commodore R. Sheshadri Vasan The symposium was summed and concluded by Prof. R. Sidda Goud, Director, UGC Centre for Indian Ocean Studies and thanked all the participants for the presentations and deliberations the Symposium has been attended by the research scholars of the university apart from the teachers.

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