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Conference Paper: India-US Bonhomie and its Impact on China

By Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswami, Editor in Chief, New India Abroad; Former North America & United Nations Correspondent for The Hindu in Washington

CSF-SICCSL RRU-NMF Two-Day Conference on

Xi Jinping’s Third Term: Implications for

Global Order & India

Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswami is Editor-in-Chief of New India Abroad, a weekly e-paper for Indian Diaspora headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Dr. Krishnaswami has been a Journalist for about thirty years,18 years as Foreign Correspondent—ten years with The Hindu in Washington D.C. (1995-2005) covering North America and the United Nations; four years he was with The Press Trust of India (2005-2009) in Washington D.C.; and for four years in Singapore (1991-1995) in charge of South East Asia and the Asia Pacific with The Hindu. Prior to his overseas assignments with The Hindu he was for seven years the newspaper’s Editorial Writer on foreign affairs based in Chennai. Dr. Krishnaswami has a Ph.D in Political Science from the Miami University of Ohio (USA) specializing in International Relations, International Law and Organization, and Comparative Politics (East Asian Political Systems—China and Japan). He holds a Master’s Degree in International Affairs from Ohio University (USA), with a concentration in South East Asia, and a Master’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Madras (Presidency College).

A Professional Fellow with The Japan Foundation in Tokyo, and a Journalist Fellow with The Foreign Press Center of Japan in Tokyo, Dr. Krishnaswami is the recipient of The Radio Tampa Broadcasting Award of Japan (Japan Shortwave Broadcasting Corporation) for his writings in The Hindu on the Asia-Pacific and Oceana. He continues to contribute articles to scholarly journals and media publications. Dr. Krishnaswami is a Member of the Governing Council and Secretary of the Indo-Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IJCCI) and has co-authored the First Policy Paper of the Centre titled Fostering Synergetic Relations Between India and Japan. After his long stint in Journalism, Dr. Krishnaswami entered the teaching profession and is presently a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Journalism at SRM University, Sikkim. Prior to this he was a Deputy Dean in the College of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology (formerly known as SRM University) and Professor in the Dept. of Journalism and Mass Communications. Besides teaching and supervising research scholars, he was also Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor of SRMIST.


At one time it used to be fashionable to say that when America sneezes the world catches a cold. Not any more for the current refrain has been that when China sneezes the world catches a cold or something worse! The profound transformations in the international system since the so-called end of the Cold War has led to the near unanimous conclusion that if there is one nation that is trying to aggressively push its agenda, it is China. Hence an urgency to meet this evolving environment, especially in the Indo Pacific.

There is no question of the fact that India-United States relations have picked up considerable momentum since 2000 to the point that Washington is willing to not only part with sophisticated technology but also agree to joint production centers, areas unthinkable only a few years ago. This “bonhomie” has raised eyebrows in Beijing with a natural unease and in perhaps an assessment that New Delhi and Washington will only further intensify a cooperation that is to mutual benefit.

China’s noises in South Asia and the Indo Pacific has essentially left major actors in the area like India and Japan to not only strengthen their respective bilateral ties with the United States but also through security dialogues at bilateral, quadrilateral and multilateral forums. And Beijing’s unease will only intensify in time to come as there is bipartisan consensus in Washington that China’s attempts to unilaterally re-write rules of the game must not be left unchallenged.

Read the full Conference paper at this link:

(Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswami is the Editor-in-Chief of New India Abroad, a digital platform for Indian Diaspora headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. He was formerly with The Hindu and The Press Trust of India in Washington covering North America and the United Nations. The views expressed by the author do not reflect the views of C3S.)

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