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A Rising India and the Dragon's Challenge; By Maj. Gen. Rajiv Narayanan, AVSM, VSM (Retd.)

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

Image Courtesy: SCMP

Issue Brief 08/2022

C3S launches its Issue Brief initiative. An issue brief is a summary of the knowledge surrounding an issue or a problem. It summarizes the issue by giving clear, concise, and complete information describing all facets of a particular issue including a detailed illustration in the form of images, data, and facts. It also includes recommendations for action and predictions on the future course of an issue.

Issue Briefs are available for download as PDFs.


The rise of India and its assertive strategic autonomy is being looked at askance by China and most of the other extant powers around the world. As the world slips towards a possible Cold War 2.0 due to the Ukraine conflict, despite the nay sayers, an India that confidently balances the two sides, is increasingly being looked upon by the Global South as its main supporter. This also indicates towards a possible shift in global economic and power dynamics into the Indian Ocean from the Asia-Pacific; the shift from America and Europe to the Asia-Pacific was indicated by Martin Stopford in his book ‘Maritime Economics’, published by Routledge in 1997 (First Edition). This would not be left unchallenged, by the developed countries in general and especially by China as it seeks to dominate Asia unilaterally. As a rising India becomes a major threat to achieving its dream, China would be

presenting India with many internal and external multi-domain challenges, covertly assisted by other inimical powers, which India would need to counter. Thus, India needs to restructure its decision making architecture to effectively counter such challenges.

Read the full PDF at this link:

( Maj. Gen. Rajiv Narayanan, AVSM, VSM (Retd.), Former Additional Director General of Military Operations (B) & Distinguished Member, C3S. The views expressed are those of the author and does not reflect the views of C3S.)

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